
Proactive and Reactive Approach to Safety: Best Process Solutions Which safety approach do you choose in the 21st Century? Welcome to Safety Venture.  The information allows us to connect with readers and potential customers in a way that’s current and interesting. Think of it as an ongoing conversation where you can share updates about business, safety trends, news, and more. " Not Meet by Accident"... Safety Venture Organizational safety programs project accomplishment by referencing a lack of an accident or failure within the system. According to Herrera (2012), failure indicators require organizations to adjust and continuously change to find indicators that allow the company to act before something happens. Acting before an occurrence presents a proactive method, rather than reacting afterward, concerning safety oversight. Denver (2021) mentioned that organizations no longer can afford to take a reactive approach to safety in today's highly competitive environment
Premises in Safety: Accident Investigation Theory Safety professionals understand premises that exist and apply theories to prevent and determine accident causation. According to Saari (n.d.), accident causation remains a complex process that requires analysis to improve accident prevention. Since safety lacks a basis of theory, the methodology remains an art instead of a science. Throughout time understanding accident occurrences have evolved and presented merit with the development of several models. Many processes within the safety profession's toolkit seek to determine what went wrong and correct it before another occurrence happens. Throughout the past few decades, safety methodologies established a new baseline. It remains debatable whether history repeats itself or safety theory has evolved into a science. Steps toward practical science applications should enable the identification of a mishap before it happens. Only time will tell whether we have this capability to